
Showing posts from January, 2018

High Performance ATS Container In A Multi-Tenant Enviroment

Note - Below are findings I documented for an internal POC related to ATS and Docker containers. The main focus is launching a high performance ATS container on the same host as other high performance applications. Or applications that require direct access to CPU/Memory/PCI-Devices/etc.  Note that orchestration or boot time configurations are not covered here. I only cover the OS/HOST commands needed to pass resources to the container. These commands or similar can be incorporated into an orchestration engine of choice All these commands are run on a Docker host. Also, the steps below reflect my lab machine, but easily translate to any other hosting environment. +++++ Objective - To create a cache instance using the Docker container framework and ensuring that all cpu/memory/network resources are NUMA aligned. Resulting container will have the following resources assigned/pinned. 8 CPU(cores) 32G Memory Bonded SRIOV VFs within the corresponding NUMA node. 18G ramdisk